Monday, August 15, 2011

Ever ever?

How much is enough? Enough faith? Enough time? Enough money? Enough pudding? I don't think that any of us really know. This concept of having a thing in such quantities that you don't want or need any more of it seems foreign and totally unrealistic. How do you get to the point where you are completely satisfied? And should we ever get to that point? If you are satisfied do you cease to exist because you cease to strive or progress? All anyone can say is that "Enough is enough" and I guess the only ones who understand what that means are the ones who have a limitless supply of pudding. 


  1. Yeah. There's never enough pudding. Never enough chocolate pudding. Do you still have that recipe? Because now I'm really craving chocolate pudding.

  2. I think that the optimal quantity of pudding is very contextual. That's all.
