Snort is the name of my right foot. Snort has always been an outgoing sort of foot who likes to explore. He likes to run and jump, dance and skip, play and wiggle. Snort and his faithful pal Lefty have been all over and gotten into all kinds of mischief together. As the years passed by, Snort and Lefty grew and became strong and skilled at various activities such as wiggling their toes. While Lefty had always been slightly bigger, Snort was faster and the first to jump into anything new or exciting. After many years of toe tapping and work and fun, a gradual change began to take place within Snort. His big toe began to move ever so slightly towards the other toes. Big Toe wanted to join the party that the other toes were having, and who can blame him really? Little did Big Toe know, however, the consequences of his party animal ways. A small and pointy bump began to grow below Big Toe on the side of Snort. Now Ol' Pointy was an irritable, hot headed sort of bump who hated hard work. Whenever a long road was walked or a fancy shoe was worn, Ol' Pointy would complain and whine and ruined the fun for everyone.
To be continued ...